Enyan Zhang (张恩言)

I am a senior (edit May 2024: I graduated! I’ll start a PhD at Yale this coming fall) at Brown concentrating in Applied Math-Computer Science and Engineering. My current research interests are in natural language processing, specifically in understanding how neural networks work as models of language/cognition, and how they compare to humans. I believe that this line of work can help build AI models that are better aligned with human expectations. I’m also interested in philosophy of language.

Before I came to Brown, I was a mechanical engineering and statistics double major at Rutgers University. And before that, I spent two years by the Bristol Channel at UWC Atlantic.

Besides academic stuff, I enjoy cycling and kendo. I also listen to JPop.

Feel free to contact me at !


Note: my name is written as Zhang, Enyan for academic work. This is to conform to the way it appears in Chinese (last name first), and also to make referencing work easier, as Zhang is the third largest last name in China.

Instilling Inductive Biases with Subnetworks

Zhang Enyan, Michael A. Lepori, Ellie Pavlick
Under Review
[arXiv, Code]